Ọnụ ala OEM njikwa USB maka ụgbọ ala / igwe / igwe

Nkọwa dị mkpirikpi:

Ngwa: Sistemụ ekwentị, Ọnụego data dị elu, EluNgwa dijitalụ bandwidth nwere obere BER,Ojiji ime ụlọ, nrụnye edoziri.


Nkọwa ngwaahịa

Mkpado ngwaahịa

With trust high-quality process, superior reputation and excellent customers help, the series of things produced by our company are exported to a lot of countries and region for Bottom price OEM Control Cable for Auto/Marine/Machinery, We're going to source ideal high quality, by far the most sector competitive rate, for each new and outdated clients while using the most fantastic eco-friendly providers.
Site na usoro a pụrụ ịdabere na ya dị elu, aha dị elu na enyemaka ndị ahịa dị mma, a na-ebupụ usoro ihe ndị ụlọ ọrụ anyị na-emepụta n'ọtụtụ mba na mpaghara maka.Igwe njikwa akpaaka China na eriri njikwa 33c, Na ya ọgaranya n'ichepụta ahụmahụ, elu-edu ngwaahịa na ngwọta, na zuru okè mgbe-sale ọrụ, ụlọ ọrụ enwetawo ezi aha na aghọwo otu n'ime ama enterprise pụrụ iche na n'ichepụta series.We ezi obi na-atụ anya guzobe azụmahịa mmekọrịta gị na-achụso ibe uru.
Ngwa: Sistemụ telecom, ọnụego data dị elu, ngwa dijitalụ bandwidth dị elu nwere obere BER, ojiji ime ụlọ, nrụnye edozi.

Na-echekwa na: -20 ruo 75 Celsius
Wụnye na: 0 ruo +60 Celsius C, gbadaa kacha nta: ugboro 20 OD
Na-arụ ọrụ na: -20 ruo +75 Celsius C, gbadaa opekempe: 10 ugboro OD
Mbupu kacha: 110N
Ibu: 78kg/km
Ụkpụrụ: ISO/IEC 11801, IEC 61156-1, IEC 61156-5, IEC
60092-350, IEC 60092-360, RoHS-2 2011/65/EU

Imepụta & Mwube

Onye na-eduzi: waya ọla kọpa na-adịghị ahụkebe
Nha onye nrụpụta: 23 AWG
Mkpuchi: PE-Foam/akpụkpọ-PE
Mkpuchi OD: nkịtị Ø1.35±0.05mm.
Ọkpụrụkpụ mkpuchi 0.39mm
Otu ụzọ: Ndị na-eduzi mkpuchi mkpuchi 2 jikọtara ọnụ n'otu ụzọ
Koodu agba: 1. Ọcha/acha anụnụ anụnụ + Blue 2. Ọcha/oroma + oroma
3. Ọcha / akwụkwọ ndụ akwụkwọ ndụ + Green 4. Ọcha / aja aja + Brown
Otu ụzọ ọta ijikọ ọnụ: Aluminom Foil-Polyester teepu
Otu abụọ Shield ijikọ mkpuchi mkpuchi 100%
Ọta dị n'èzí: Braid ọla kọpa siri ike
Mkpuchi Shield: Nom.80%
Jaketị elu: LSZH SHF1
Ọkpụrụkpụ n'ọnụ ọnụ 0.75±0.30 mm
Nkịta mpụta OD: 8.0±0.50 mm
Akara: YANGERTM CAT6A 4x2x23/1 AWG Solid S/FTP LSZH-SHF1
Agba jaket dị n'èzí: isi awọ

Njirimara gburugburu ebe obibi na arụrụ ọkụ ọkụ

Ogo nke acidity nke gas: IEC 60754-1/2
Halogen acid gas: IEC 60754-1/2
Igwe anwụrụ ọkụ: IEC 61034-1/2
Ọkụ na-egbochi ọkụ: IEC 60332-1-2
Ihe na-egbochi ọkụ: IEC 60332-3-22

Njirimara eletriki

Nguzogide onye nduzi @ 20°C: ≤ 93.8Ω /km
Mgbochi mkpuchi: ≥ 5000 MΩ.km
Nkezi ihe mgbochi njirimara @ 100MHz 100 ± 5 Ω
Mgbochi mbufe: 100mΩ/m @ 10MHz
Ogbugbu skew (4 ~ 100MHz): ≤45ns/100m
Isi ihe ọsọ: 69%
Enweghị nguzozi na-eguzogide ndị nduzi n'ime ụzọ abụọ: ≤2.0%
Enweghị nguzozi n'etiti ụzọ abụọ: ≤4.0%
Ike enweghị oke n'ụwa na 800Hz ma ọ bụ 1000Hz: ≤160pF/100m
Ike ibe ya: ≤56nF/km

Ngwongwo eletriki


© 2019 Yanger Marine
Edokwakwara nke ọma.
Yanger (Shanghai) Marine Technology Co., Ltd (Yanger) nwere ikike ime mgbanwe na nkọwapụta ngwaahịa na-enweghị ọkwa mbụ.Eserese nwere ike ọ gaghị abụ nha ma wepụta ya maka ebumnuche izugbe yana naanị ozi.Ozi dị na katalọgụ a bụ ihe onwunwe nke Yanger, enwere ike ghara iji ya, mepụtaghachi ma ọ bụ kpugheere ndị ọzọ na-enweghị ikike ederede nke Yanger.With trust high-quality process, superior reputation and excellent customers help, the series of things produced by our company are exported to a lot of countries and region for Bottom price OEM Control Cable for Auto/Marine/Machinery, We're going to source ideal high quality, by far the most sector competitive rate, for each new and outdated clients while using the most fantastic eco-friendly providers.
Ọnụ alaIgwe njikwa akpaaka China na eriri njikwa 33c, Na ya ọgaranya n'ichepụta ahụmahụ, elu-edu ngwaahịa na ngwọta, na zuru okè mgbe-sale ọrụ, ụlọ ọrụ enwetawo ezi aha na aghọwo otu n'ime ama enterprise pụrụ iche na n'ichepụta series.We ezi obi na-atụ anya guzobe azụmahịa mmekọrịta gị na-achụso ibe uru.

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