How to lead the development of green and low-carbon navigation

On July 11, 2022, China ushered in the 18th navigation day, the theme of which is “leading the new trend of green, low-carbon and intelligent navigation”. As the specific implementation date of the “World Maritime Day” organized by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in China, this theme also follows the IMO’s theme advocacy for the World Maritime Day on September 29 this year, that is, “New technologies help green shipping”.

As the most concerned topic in the past two years, green shipping has risen to the height of the theme of World Maritime Day and has also been selected as one of the themes of China Maritime Day, representing the recognition of this trend by Chinese and global government levels.

Green and low-carbon development will have a subversive impact on the shipping industry, whether from the freight structure or from the ship regulations. On the road of development from a shipping power to a shipping power, China must have enough voice and guidance for the future development trend of shipping.

From a macro perspective, green and low-carbon development has always been advocated by Western countries, especially European countries. The signing of the Paris Agreement is the main reason to accelerate this process. European countries are increasingly calling for low-carbon development, and a storm of carbon removal has been set off from the private sector to the government.

The wave of green development of shipping is also built under the sub background. However, China’s response to green shipping also began more than 10 years ago. Since IMO launched the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) and the Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) in 2011, China has been actively responding; This round of IMO launched the initial greenhouse gas emission reduction strategy in 2018, and China played a key role in the formulation of EEXI and CII regulations. Similarly, in the medium-term measures to be discussed by the International Maritime Organization, China has also given a plan combining many developing countries, which will have an important impact on the policy formulation of the IMO in the future.


Post time: Nov-03-2022